Kelly Carlson, aka Kimber Henry

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view post Posted on 12/6/2006, 18:17

CITAZIONE (Pandora Turner @ 12/6/2006, 11:40)
Anch'io la trovo molto più bella con i capelli lunghi mi sempbra più sexy più fresca meno artificiale, sarebbe bello vederla così nella prossima serie, se si presentasse così davanti a Chris mi sa che lo :sviene: :sviene: :sviene: e poi visto ciò che ha passato con il macellaio sarebbe anche logico un cambiamento di look :B):

la penso come te :clap: sono già tre stagioni che vediamo kimber sempre con lo stesso look se cambiasse sarebbe una ventata di freschezza :D
bellissime le ultime foto ^_^
view post Posted on 20/6/2006, 12:07

Half Demon Girl



Grazie a Niptuck.free.fr abbiamo un nuovo articolo in francese su Kelly ^_^

Contiene una cosa molto interessante :woot:

user posted image

Traduzione in inglese, grazie a Lynemarie di EOJ :fiori:

In short, Kelly met her current love interest, John Benito (a movie director), during her last movie. He is often jealous of her love scenes. Kelly is saying who will not.

She is a very down to Earth kind of woman, not at all sophisticated like Kimber. When she first read about the love scenes in N/T, she get worrried, but Julian is friendly, very professional and first of all handsome.

She is all in favor of plastic surgery. She is involving in charity business.

She is saying she signed for a 5th season of N/T.

Ammesso che non sia un'invenzione dei giornalisti... mi pare strano che venga annunciato così per caso... durante un'intervista... pare cmq che ci sarà una 5° season di Nip/Tuck :D

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view post Posted on 21/6/2006, 09:49

CITAZIONE (Cole my love @ 20/6/2006, 13:07)
Grazie a Niptuck.free.fr abbiamo un nuovo articolo in francese su Kelly ^_^

Contiene una cosa molto interessante :woot:


Traduzione in inglese, grazie a Lynemarie di EOJ :fiori:

In short, Kelly met her current love interest, John Benito (a movie director), during her last movie. He is often jealous of her love scenes. Kelly is saying who will not.

She is a very down to Earth kind of woman, not at all sophisticated like Kimber. When she first read about the love scenes in N/T, she get worrried, but Julian is friendly, very professional and first of all handsome.

She is all in favor of plastic surgery. She is involving in charity business.

She is saying she signed for a 5th season of N/T.

Ammesso che non sia un'invenzione dei giornalisti... mi pare strano che venga annunciato così per caso... durante un'intervista... pare cmq che ci sarà una 5° season di Nip/Tuck :D

Ma speriamo che sia vero, almeno abbiamo visione di Julian assicurata :hurrah: :hurrah: :hurrah: :hurrah: :hurrah: :hurrah: :hurrah:

"and first of all handsome" a quanto pare anche Kelly ha buon gusto :)

view post Posted on 24/8/2006, 00:15

Half Demon Girl



Intevista inedita a Kelly Carlson sulla 4° stagione di Nip/Tuck e su un altro suo film "The Marine". :)

Attenzione, la parte su Nip/Tuck è spoilerante, siete avvisati :D

Kelly Carlson Talks About The Marine and nip/tuck


From Fred Topel

Carlson Reveals She's an Action Girl at Heart
One look at Kelly Carlson and you can imagine a guy would do anything to get her back. Just getting to hang out with her at a Hollywood party made me ready to kill for her. After chatting for an interview, we got to talking about how much each of us love our work. You’d be surprised how few people there are with whom to share that.

In her upcoming movie, The Marine, WWE superstar John Cena goes on a rampage when his girlfriend (Carlson) is kidnapped. The Marine is scheduled for this fall, right when season four of Nip/Tuck is airing. Carlson returns to that series as well, promising more wild Kimber antics to plague Christian Troy.

When will we see you in The Marine?
“It comes out in October and it’s an action movie, which I love doing.
It’s just an action movie. It’s for dudes and it’s fun because I love fighting. I’m very much a tomboy, so I can play Kimber and then I can be a cute, tough chick which I love.”

What’s the character?
“Kate, she gets kidnapped, her husband comes after her, it’s very simple, and annihilates everything in his path. It’s like him following me and me being kidnapped by Robert Patrick. I get my ass handed to me all the time, beat up girl. So it’s a guy’s movie. It’s a guy’s action movie and my boyfriend directed it. That’s not why I got the movie. Yeah, I want to do more.”

When do you get to kick the ass if you’re kidnapped?
“Well, I try and escape. I fight ‘em. It’s actually funny. Do you remember Lethal Weapon? It’s like that. It has over the top special effects, but there’s that kind of ‘90s humor that’s missing right now in our action movies. I don't know if you’re a fan of that.”

If you only knew…
“That’s what my boyfriend does, so he really wanted to incorporate some humor, so that when you’re doing a movie that has such over the top special effects, you’re not insulting the audience. You have to wink at the camera, otherwise people get bored because it’s like, ‘Well, I’ve seen that 10 times. I know that’s not real. This is boring.’ You do wink at the camera, which John Bonito is so good at doing. He wanted to incorporate the whole Lethal Weapon Mel Gibson/Danny Glover banter. Not that there’s two cops. There’s not, but there’s elements of that type of humor that go along with over the top action.”

Who kicks more ass, that girl or Kimber?
“Me. I want more of that. I love being physical. I don't know why. That’s my own issue but I wish last season I had a fight scene with Rhona Mitra. I was like, ‘Please, give me a fight scene,’ so maybe they’ll give me one this year.”

Playing characters so based on being the beautiful woman, does it make you self conscious?
“Yeah, of course it does. I’m pretty comfortable with my body and I work hard at it, but I’m certainly not perfect. It takes some getting used to. And you know what’s funny? I noticed when I go to spas, because I go to spas a lot, if there’s not a private changing room, you see the women kind of going, ‘Go ahead, take off your clothes,’ because they want to see if you really look like you do on television. They’re kind of like, ‘Okay, let’s see your flaws.’”

I like to see the flaws. Don’t tell me they’re ‘enhancing’ you.
“They’ll do some post work called color correction, but if you pause any of my nude scenes like if I’m standing up or something, it’s not fixed. I work my ass off on my body.”

What’s your routine?
I life weights. I eat really healthy. I rarely drink alcohol. I had a half of a drink tonight but I haven’t had a drink in six months. I just don’t. There is pressure, and I’d be the first to be scrutinized if I wasn’t in shape.”

Is there any fun to that or just hard work?
“It’s just part of work and it keeps me healthy. I’ve been really sick for the past three days, not from anything you’d catch, but I had to go work out today because I just needed to get my blood moving. You just look better and feel better. I recommend everybody exercise a little bit.”

Last year’s season finale of Nip/Tuck’s left Kimber mutilated by the Carver (chicken fat implants, ewwwww) and ready to cut Christian out of her life. Don’t worry, she’s still a regular in Season Four, with plenty more surprises in store.

When you read the scripts do you ever think, ‘I didn’t think Kimber could get any more outrageous?’
“Yeah, I do think that.”

Do you get to suggest things?
“Yeah, I suggested the palm in episode 2, do you remember that? Where she regrafts her palms because she finds out she’s never going to be married. I came up with that. I can suggest things as long as they’re good. It doesn’t mean they’re going to use them, but they did use that one.”

Will Kimber have any remaining scars?
“Nope, I’m just going to be a little bit cleaner looking.

I mean, as of now. There isn’t that much of a change physically anyway.”

Don’t deep knife wounds usually leave a mark?
Yeah, they usually do. We have to show how good the guys are. It’s what they do, right?”

Could Kimber ever be happy?
“I don't know.”

Because it’s Nip/Tuck or because she’s Kimber?
“Because she’s Kimber. Maybe, if she worked on it, but I think she’s trying. That’s kind of what she’s always in search of and I think that’s why you like her, because she’s trying to figure it out. She’s not just sitting back and taking up space. She’s trying to figure it out. That’s the thing about her that I like. She’s always in search of something in herself. Christian’s taught her a lot of what not to be and I’m going to find out this year where she’s come, how far along. She’s very spiritual this year. I don't know if it’s a front or if it’s for real.”

What kind of spiritual? Is it a specific religion?

Which one?
“No, that I can’t say but it’s over the top. You’ll laugh.”

“Yeah, that would be good. You’re going to like it.”

How do you find happiness?
“By turning 30. No, actually that had a lot to do with it. I just try and take good care of myself and I try and stay on the path, like you can get kind of jaded out here. I stay real low profile, try and keep my eye on the ball and I just try and take care of myself. Do healthy things that are good for me. We all have our issues, that’s for sure, but I think I’m a pretty happy person. I’m very stable, mentally and emotionally. I’m a very even keel person so I don’t have too many problems.”

Do you like having a daily work schedule?
“Yeah, I like working. I like working. That’s what makes me the happiest if something were to make me happy, it would be working.”

When you started out, did you expect Kimber to become a regular?
“No. I’m so happy. I mean, I love being on the show. It would take millions and millions of dollars for me ever to leave the show.”

How did you feel about getting the initially demeaning part?
“Well, I’m just playing a character that exists in this world. So I think it’s fun. Kimber is very much like me, but she’s very much not like me. When it comes to her judgment, I’m so the opposite. I’m a fairly straight and narrow person so for me it’s kind of voyeuristic. I get to do all this crazy stuff and still be my boring self.”

How could you be boring?
No, that’s true. I was a wild kid. Now it’s time for me to be tame. But no, it’s voyeuristic for me to play Kimber and I love it.”

Fonte: Hollywood Movies

Grazie a sjcjdm di MM per la segnalazione ^_^

Altra intervista a Kelly Carlson, ancora su Nip/Tuck 4° stagione... ancora attenzione agli spoiler! :B):

At the end of nip/tuck last year, it looked like Kimber wanted nothing more to do with Christian and the gang. Fortunately for actress Kelly Carlson, she remains a regular on the show’s fourth season, finding new ways to torment the plastic surgeons. However, even though her costars and boss Ryan Murphy revealed tons of spoilers, Carlson only knows what’s happening script to script.

Kelly Carlson on Nip/Tuck

“You know more than I do,” she told us. “I’m serious. A lot was just revealed to me that I didn’t know about. Kimber becomes very spiritual. I know it’s going to go down a dark path, but other than that, you guys know 10 times more than I do, seriously. They told me about the ashes in the implants. I think it’s genius. I can never guess what I’m going to do because they come up with stuff that I would never come up with in my head.”

Luckily, other journalists have filled Carlson with revelations. “I’ve heard that I wreak havoc on Christian and that I get revenge in a very, very bad way that I haven’t read or I haven’t gotten. What else? I guess that’s the biggest thing. I’ve heard other storylines that didn’t have to do with me.”

Considering Kimber’s ordeal, she could remain sympathetic no matter how nasty shot, but Carlson doubts it. “This season I kind of question how much you’re going to root for her. Which will be different because there’s an innocence to her but I don't know if that’s going to be there anymore. I think she’ s going to be so jaded from being carved but kind of healing herself and believing she’s seen the light.”

Of course anyone who’s happy on nip/tuck is in for a rude awakening of some sort. “That and she’s just sort of tried to convince herself that [beauty] is not her identity, but when you have lived your whole life with your looks as your identity, you can’t just change overnight. Even if a traumatic experience happened to you, I don't think it could be that quick so I think she’s in such great denial.”

Kimber may be trying to shed her outward shell, but a relic of her **** star past remains in real life: the Kimber sex doll. “I have her in an art storage unit at the moment because I moved and I had to put her somewhere. Actually, I think we’re going to use her in a piece of art with John Baldessari. He’s a huge contemporary artist and my godfather is a big collector of his work. So we may use her in a piece. I would never sell her, I don't think.”

eBay bidders, put your credit cards away. “That’s what scares me. People would be like, ‘God, sell it for a million dollars. There’s some crazy guy out there that will spend it.’ I’m sure, but then things would end up on the internet. Ugh, I don't know.”

Stay tuned for updates.

Fonte: CanMag

Grazie a Onlooker per la segnalazione ^_^
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view post Posted on 24/8/2006, 21:12

Grazie, è interessante la parte su Nip/Tuck, ci conferma la crescita spirituale di Kimber, a differenza di Christian che torna alle origini, quindi a un comportamento immaturo :)
Però non vorrei che Kimber esagerasse :rolleyes:
Io penso che attraverseranno un'evoluzione differente ma approderanno sulla stessa riva, almeno lo spero. :)
view post Posted on 26/8/2006, 14:58

Half Demon Girl



Lo spero anch'io, ma secondo me se mai torneranno insieme e si sposeranno, sarà solo quando Nip/Tuck terminerà. Ora hanno troppo interesse a lasciare Christian libero di trasgredire... si vedrà :D

A proposito, era apparso su un articolo in inglese, ma vale la pena riportarlo in italiano per quanti non lo avevano letto :D

La sexy-bambola di Kelly

Negli Stati Uniti Kelly Carlson, che nella serie tv "Nip/Tuck" interpreta la sexy Kimber Henry, è diventata un vero e proprio oggetto di culto, tanto che qualcuno ha pensato di fabbricare una bambola gonfiabile con le sue fattezze. E l'attrice se l'è comprata: "Mi sentivo protettiva - ha dichiarato - così l'ho portata a casa. Adesso siede nel mio soggiorno, dove l'ho vestita e gli ho messo una parrucca diversa perché con quella che aveva era difficile sembrare seri con un libro in mano".

Fonte: iCine

E ora, parliamo del nuovo film di Kelly Carlson, "The Marine", nei cinema americani il 13 ottobre 2006.
Accanto a Kelly, John Cena (direttamente dal mondo del wrestling) :)
Il film racconta la storia di John Titan, un marine (John Cena) che cercherà di liberare sua moglie (Kelly Carlson) presa in ostaggio da un pericoloso ladro di diamanti. Titan non si arresterà davanti a niente ed effettuerà la missione più dura e importante della sua vita.
Il film è stato girato in Australia :P

La locandina

Il trailer direttamente dal sito ufficiale: The Marine trailer
si vede la nostra Kelly che viene rapita, il trailer è molto d'azione... ho fatto alcune capture di Kelly ^_^

col marito (John Cena) a casa

in viaggio con lui

il momento del rapimento

ostaggio dei banditi

Chissà quando lo vedremo in Italia, forse per Natale ^_^

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view post Posted on 26/8/2006, 15:35

Grazie Colemy :fiori:....

Il personaggio di questo film somiglia molto a Kimber, ha mantenuto la stessa pettinatura anche se è vestita diversamente da come siamo abituati a vederla in Nip/Tuck.

Speriamo che il film abbia successo. :)
view post Posted on 27/8/2006, 09:50

Il trailer è molto movimentato, ma sono perplessa... la trama mi sembra banale, poi che il protagonista sia uno che non ha mai recitato prima... almeno mi sembra che non abbia precedenti in questo campo :rolleyes:
Ha fatto il film e poi è tornato al wrestling... spero non sia un film solo per i suoi fan :P mi dispiacerebbe più che altro per Kelly
view post Posted on 27/8/2006, 21:14

Grazie per il trailer e le capture!! :hug:
Il film è avventuroso, spero che lasci il segno anche se pure io ho qualche dubbio, Kelly sono sicura che sarà bravissima, ma John Cena...? mah :rolleyes:

Comunque non lo perderò :)
view post Posted on 28/8/2006, 17:15

ma! che belle capture! kelly mentre grida dà il meglio di sè :clap:
come genere mi sembra un pò alla rambo non aspettiamoci tanto :P
view post Posted on 9/10/2006, 00:19

Half Demon Girl



Premiere di "The Marine"! Presente ovviamente Kelly, oltre al resto del cast del film... ecco a voi le sue foto :D
(Grazie a sjcjdm per la segnalazione ^_^ )

Premiere of The Marine at Camp Pendleton
03 October 2006

Camp Pendleton, CA, Marine Corp Base.









Fonte: IESB.net

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view post Posted on 9/10/2006, 14:59

che foto fantastiche, grazie! :D
lei sembra un pò una bambolina e lui un macho esaltato... almeno su queste foto, speriamo bene :lol:
view post Posted on 10/10/2006, 14:01

Non ho una grande fiducia in questo film, però le foto sono bellissime :D
view post Posted on 10/10/2006, 14:25

in effetti il film non ispira per niente neppure me, pero'le foto sono belle :)
view post Posted on 7/12/2006, 21:30

Kelly Carlson in Player 5150

5 Dicembre Hollywood Reporter ha riferito che Kelly Carlson, meglio nota come Kimber della serie tv Nip/Tuck, sarà la femme fatale al centro del film "Player 5150"; impersonerà infatti l'assistente e amante di un pericoloso allibratore (Christopher McDonald). Le riprese hanno già avuto inizio a Los Angeles e la prossima settimana si trasferiranno a Las Vegas per la regia di David Michael O'Neill.

fonte: telesimo
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