Notizia bomba!!!!!!!!!!!, NuOvO AlBuM iN aRrIvO!!!!!!

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icon13  view post Posted on 13/10/2008, 16:52     +1   -1

Secondo un'intervista fatta a BJ,in questo periodo stanno registrando le canzoni definitive del nuovo album la cui uscita è prevista per i primi mesi del 2009!!!Speriamo nn sia un fake anche perchè dopo 4 anni d silenzio mi girerebbero anche un po le palle..cmq SPEREM BEN!
view post Posted on 16/10/2008, 13:46     +1   -1

Tutto vero!
Ecco qui la conferma da Green Day Authority, solo in inglese, purtroppo..


As most Green Day fans know by now, it can be excruciating to wait for the next news, music, or sighting of the band. After American Idiot's release in September 2004, with its wealth of food for thought, fans feasted at the banquet of tours, personal appearances, youtube videos, and magazine articles for quite a while. When the furor began to die down and new information became scarce, the first new thought in most minds was, "When will the next album come out? What will it sound like? I want it now!" Of course, as always, some were more focused on the timeless question, "What color will Billie's hair be?" However, most fans felt it had been too long since they'd had a real meal and were ready for some good, meaty Green Day music to chew on. Now and then a thread would pop up in the Green Day Community asking if anyone had any news. The mood alternated between impatient and forlorn.

The first hint of information about Green Day's new album was in an October 2007 Rolling Stone interview with Billie Joe. At that time, BJ mentioned that he had about 45 new songs he'd been writing on the piano. However, there was no clear direction or timetable, so Green Day fans began to get the idea it was going to be a long wait.

During the following months, the band was active in many ways, none of which pointed directly to a new Green Day album. In December 2007, rumblings began to be heard regarding the Foxboro Hot Tubs, a side project including all three band members and others. A new album release and a mini-tour later, the GDA has posted everything you could want to read about the "FoxTubs" on GDA's Foxboro Hot Tubs page. That page also contains links to song lyrics, some great tour photos, and lots of other interesting information, including forum threads with members' recaps of the tour appearances made by the "Tubbies" during the spring and summer.

Even before the FBHT tour, Pinhead Gunpowder, a long-standing side project of Billie Joe's, performed a few live shows in California, including some new songs. The shows were discussed in this GDC thread. In June 2008, not long after the Foxboro Hot Tubs tour finished, PHGP delighted fans all over the world with the announcement of an EP released on vinyl as well as in digital format and containing three new songs (one recorded in two versions). Read about the self-titled PHGP 2008 release in this thread on the GDC.

As much as most Green Day fans seemed to appreciate all the new music, this activity simply whetted our appetites for more Green Day sounds. Rumor and speculation ran amok, including fictitious new album titles such as "Hillside Dance," "Coffee and Repent," and "Mind Bomb." However, none of these was substantiated, and nothing of real substance occurred until October 3, 2008, when the GDA was notified that a new Green Day album will be released in 2009. Several fans also received emails from Warner UK on that date with a link to sign up for updates. The exciting thread generated by that news is here. Although enthusiasm abounded, most Green Day fans know that, during the quiet times, there are more rumors than real news. At this point, not everyone was convinced that the news was legitimate.

On October 6, GDC regular and sleuth extraordinaire justcause found a video of the October 2 Carson Daly show where Garbage's Shirley Manson mentioned that Butch Vig (Garbage's drummer and an experienced producer) is busy producing Green Day. The pertinent part of that video can be viewed here. Later news included the information that Joe McGrath would assist with production. If you're unfamiliar with the work of Butch Vig and Joe McGrath, check out this thread on the GDC. Hope began to rise that new music would soon follow.

On October 10, the incredible happened when netty found a video of Billie Joe working in a studio (with Butch Vig looking on). The video contains an intriguing teaser for a new song and begins with Billie Joe apparently playing the second guitar part. In the second section, Billie Joe and others are listening to playbacks with other instruments included. After watching closely for anything that appeared suspicious and verifying Butch's identity, the Green Day community began to believe that all the evidence seen lately is true news, generating a slew of posts and lots of virtual kisses for netty!

Of course, having real news only caused more speculation, and many people were curious about what was displayed on an open laptop being viewed by Billie Joe in the video. On October 11, the incomparable netty again caught the interest of the Community by learning that the laptop was showing the design for Green Day's new web site - not the official album-related site, but a temporary site to tide us over until the album is released. Netty let us know that the new temporary site was due to be released in two weeks, so we expect more news soon.

October 14, just before midnight, brought another video for forum members to view, listen to, and discuss. This video is slightly longer and contains lots of content. It begins with Tre playing drums, shows an FM transmitter while some faint music plays, cuts to Jason Freese walking in and greeting the guys (as well as congratulating Mike on his new baby, Brixton, and making funny faces for the camera), and finishes up showing Mike playing bass in the studio with another appearance by Butch Vig. The exhilaration in the community is reaching new highs as members delight in getting glimpses of the process of creating the new album.

I think most of us would agree that this is turning into the most thrilling wait for a new Green Day album ever experienced. As more news becomes available, this page will be updated with the new information and links to interesting threads, articles, sound bites, etc. Stay tuned!!!
1 replies since 13/10/2008, 16:52   110 views